If life is in danger call Triple Zero 000
If life is in danger call Triple Zero 000

What we do

A local friendship service providing daily personal telephone contact to persons living alone by suitably screened Lifeline volunteers. A welfare check and a cheerful chat from someone who cares.

At Lifeline South East we provide a suite of inclusive counselling and help services; manage a Warehouse and five Retail Outlets across the Limestone Coast; the income from which supports the provision of programs and services which focus on the needs of our local community in times of crisis.


Our Support Services

13 11 14 Service

LLSE contributes to a 24-hour Telephone Crisis Support, Information and Referral Service that is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Limestone Coast Regional Gambling Help Service

Offers free and confidential counselling to those individuals, couples, families or friends directly affected by problem gambling and gambling harm.

Has gambling stopped being fun for you?  We can help with financial and therapeutic counselling including individual and family counselling and voluntary self-exclusion.  Community education services and support are available for government and non-government service providers, schools, businesses, community groups, and the gaming industry in the Limestone Coast.


Outreach Programs

Care Ring

A local friendship service providing daily personal telephone contact to persons living alone by suitably screened Lifeline volunteers. A welfare check and a cheerful chat from someone who cares.

Prisoner Listener Program

An award-winning suicide prevention peer support program for suitably assessed prisoners. The program provides ‘Listeners’ with basic counselling skills and equips them to assist a peer at a low ebb.

Suicide Prevention Network

Supportive Foundation member and host agency for the Mount Gambier and District Suicide Prevention Network (a community-based network focused on empowering our community to prevent suicide).


Community Education and Training

LLSE has trained and experienced staff available to groups and organisations seeking to increase their awareness, knowledge, and skills in Psychological First Aid, Problem Gambling, Financial Counselling, and Suicide Awareness. These services are subject to demand and availability of resources.

Crisis Supporter Workplace Training

LLSE delivers the nationally recognised training for CHCSS00113 Crisis Support Skill Set on behalf of Lifeline Australia RTO 88036.

The accredited training includes the following units of competency:

  • CHCCCS003 Increase the safety of individuals at risk of suicide
  • CHCCCS019 Recognise and respond to crisis situations
  • CHCCCS028 Provide client-centered support to people in crisis

More information about the Crisis Supporter Workplace Training (CSWT) can be found in the Lifeline Australia Pre-enrolment Course Information Booklet and the Lifeline Australia RTO Compliance Manual.

Your Privacy

Lifeline South East recognises the importance of protecting your privacy.  Please follow this link to access our Privacy Policy.